zaterdag 21 september 2013

De sleur van de apocalyps

Albert Camus: L'homme absurde

Les conquérants savent
que l'action est en elle-même inutile.
Il n'y a qu'une action utile, 
celle qui referait l'homme et la terre.
Je ne referai jamais les hommes.
Mais il faut faire "comme si".


Albert Camus: L'homme absurde

qu'il n'est pas de causes victorieuses,
j'ai du goût pour 
les causes perdues:
elles demandent une âme entière, 
égale à sa défaite 
à ses victoires passagères.


zondag 8 september 2013

Wifi-bomen en de commentaren (op 

LandLord (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
Don't make me feel guilty! It's Monday morning here, it's hard enough as it is!
Born_after_2000 (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
What the hell is oxygen?
Trollolol (Monday, 26 Aug 2013)
According to Germans, it's "sour stuff".
ED (Monday, 26 Aug 2013)
Oxygen is Latin for "maker of sour", so that's the same.
Trollolol (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013)
It's Greek, not Latin.
EUro (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013)
Americans can't distinguish between greek and latin.
Another_EUro (Wednesday, 28 Aug 2013)
Also Americans think that Iraq is in Mexico.
Merry Hobb (Wednesday, 28 Aug 2013)
0xygen is a highly corrosive element. It is know to cause a dangerous harmful chemical reaction called oxidation which destroys many metals including iron, and copper which makes it hazardous to your iPhone. It has been known to combine with another element called Hydrogen forming a highly insular molecule known to cause global warming when in it's aerosol state. Join me therefore, to ban this hazardous substance and and make the earth safe for iPhones and return the Earth to a cooler time.
Chlorine_Lobbyist (Thursday, 29 Aug 2013)
Count me in. We finally have to stop breathing yesterday's gases. Moden times, modern gases.
Naw (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
Most of the oxygen we breathe is actually produced by marine plants. we aren't cutting them down... yet.
(visit link)
Yep (Monday, 26 Aug 2013)
We would cut them down if we could find small enough sea-lumberjacks. Until then, we'll have to content ourselves with choking as much of them in oil as we can.
J. Cousteau (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
Actually - the world's ocean produces the majority of the Earth's oxygen (and stores the bulk of it's carbon). But don't worry - it's in far worse shape than the trees.
DFS (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
Are we saying the trees are communicating with one another? Or are they trying to communicate with us? It must be a trick. This needs to be stopped! We need to chop all the trees down!
Thirsty Pete (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
If you produce a popular item that no one needs (rum, wasabi peanuts, "reality" TV) the world is yours.
If you produce a necessity (clean water, soybeans, steel) you're a boring nobody, probably with price controls.
Tree (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
I need carbon dioxide to photosynthesize. The environmentalists are trying to kill me!
Freddo (Monday, 26 Aug 2013) Reply
More likely we would have massive culling of trees to reduce the interference, followed by government licensing of tree planting. Don't do it trees, save yourselves and stick to your niche!
euroCRACK (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013) Reply
and this would be a good time for anon to come shout something stupid about treehuggers or such, and then shout out some racial slurs & right wing propaganda. :)
Greek (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013) Reply
To hell with that. I only need oxygesic.
MC Gravy (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013) Reply
WHY? (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013) Reply
Hollie (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013) Reply
Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe.
Sarah Palin (Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013) Reply
Why cut down trees when we can shoot them from helicopters with machine guns?

Cheerfulness & genetics

J.B. Handelsmann, New Yorker, 16 september 1996